Welcome to my new website. More content will be coming with time. For now, let me tell you about myself. I am a 43 year old single mom. My boyfriend taught me to hunt starting four years ago. I am in love with it. I have been exposed to guns my entire life. I own guns and and I have a CCW. However, I never had anyone who could teach me how to hunt, much less how to archery hunt. We had a terrible tragedy in our community about a year ago with the murder of a lovely couple. It motivated me to reach out to women I am friends with and offer to teach them to shoot. The response was overwhelming. My approach was to say I would provide a comfortable setting between women to learn without pressure. I provided breakfast and took them out to shoot for the day. The weather was terrible and rained on us but not one of the women gave up that day. They stuck it out in the rain like champs. I then started a private group on Facebook and the number of women interested grew in masses. I've come to realize that many women want to learn to shoot and they want to learn to hunt but they may not have people in their lives that can teach them or encourage them. I have never been afraid of trying new things in my life. I am not athletic. I am not skinny. I have always had amazing self esteem when it comes to my intelligence (culminating in becoming a lawyer) but my physical self esteem is always week. None of that makes a bit of sense when written all together one statement after another. All I know is that I have an inner bad ass that isn't afraid to try and when I am challenged (doubted) I try even harder. I can encourage women to be honest about their fears and push others to try new things. Great things will come of this website in the future! Stay tuned!
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